Do people see it? Are they praying,
like me,
they have some reaction to it? To
slamming this bus down the road –
each other: caught
in our sweetest humility, here,
cherry trees
like a honey-trap. A woman says,
shedding their blossoms. . .
“Good, now,” after finding her seat
and sighing. I feel my sex
All things
flex, imagine a woman’s skin
curving around her body, find my mind
is still where I last left it,
and God bless this heart
and right
beating in time.
Jonas has had poems published in the L.A. Review, Gargoyle, Pearl, Haight Ashbury Literary Journal, Main Street Rag, The Melancholy Dane, Paradigm, Welter, and Smile Hon! You're in Baltimore. He is currently an adjunct English teacher at the Community College of Baltimore County. He's got more where this came from.