is cometemps any frontend,
corporate associate needsresponceno? no
is come the techno lololology to extend
word to anycat stuck in what winterproof
told web. poor fucks can't even breathe in there,
wager.? he what fuh ka tup the couch up, yeah?
yeah; see he's talking up one nuclearetail.
See? mhmm. je vois.
Why am I wearing an XL sweater
and a pair of denimdockers so tightlywaisted
it feels as though my left testicle could pop
under pressure at any minute? medium lea
ther jacket mock hoodie for packagevalue
ninety one:one eighty half off Hawaiian Kohl's
she worked at Kohl's she called me Kohl's
once while entering Kohl's crossfrom Party
City, Voorheesto pay for and purchase--
with only an employees' or veterans'
(permits only disabled veterans') discount a pur
chase for my niece's first before driving up the way and higherlands.
jackson two: I'm the evil mario; now five tells Dadson conquering
bowser's hidden smb3 castle for approval. onefreshoffthelaborline Dad:
uninterested and uninvested. I wouldn't know.
jack trusted the game and that he as mario
discovered--curious--yang's black surface. could om do the same.
strue, misconstrue as styule willen get intimate with men or what
ever the kids say.