95 lede

IKEA Romance & two more.
by Demosthenes Hammond

I met this girl
                (At IKEA)

Me being a sort of D-I-Y
                Kinda guy;

We talked in Swedish


I Should Have Been a Fighter. by Aaron Brame

Getting your ass kicked in the ring
is one thing.
There are bandages enough
and salts and such
and a sponge you can throw when your opponent
shows he’s too tough.

And a bell chimes to let you know
your limits.
You come, you go, you fight for three minutes.
There’s always someone holding a bucket
to spit in and a guy with a belly who
rubs down your arms and says
“Stay with it.”

Dear Racist in the Queue at Tesco. by Keiran Goddard

You are so stupid,
You don’t deserve skin.
You should be forced to walk around all skull-naked
And ashamed.