A couple I do not know –
thought I knew – bought
a titanic penthouse via
an iceberg of debt.
Took a notion and a deep
ocean is now taking them
Open house whim,
all splendid and new and
he fell for that waving,
watery view while clutch-
ing his wife’s wee hand
so she fell too.
Allan Lake, originally from Saskatoon, Canada, has lived in Vancouver, Cape Breton, Ibiza, Tasmania, Melbourne and Sicily. He has won Elwood Poetry Prize, Lost Tower Publications (UK) Competition and Melbourne Spoken Word Poetry Fest. His latest chapbook of poems, “My Photos of Sicily”, was published by Ginninderra Press. Such journals as The Hong Kong Review, Quadrant Mag, Cordite Poetry Rev, The American Writers Rev, Tokyo Poetry Journal, The Antigonish Rev, as well as New Philosopher and The Fabians Review have published his poems.